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MapLink™ | Procedures | Wireless Communications Facilities (Tower-Based)

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Wireless Communications Facilities (Tower-Based)
Retention of Experts. The Borough may hire any consultant(s) and/or expert(s) necessary to assist the Borough in reviewing and evaluating the application for approval of the tower-based WCF and, once approved, in reviewing and evaluating any potential violations of the terms and conditions of this chapter. The applicant and/or owner of the WCF shall reimburse the Borough for all costs of the Borough's consultant(s) in providing expert evaluation and consultation in connection with these activities.

Timing of Approval. Within 30 calendar days of the date that an application for a tower-based WCF is filed with the Borough, the Borough shall notify the applicant, in writing, of any information that may be required to complete such application. All applications for tower-based WCFs shall be acted upon within 150 days of the receipt of a fully completed application for the approval of such tower-based WCF, and the Borough shall advise the applicant, in writing, of its decision. If additional information was requested by the Borough to complete an application, the time required by the applicant to provide the information shall not be counted toward the one-hundred-fifty-day review period.

Nonconforming Uses. Nonconforming tower-based WCFs which are hereafter damaged or destroyed due to any reason or cause may be repaired and restored at their former location but must otherwise comply with the terms and conditions of this chapter.

Removal. In the event that use of a tower-based WCF is planned to be discontinued, the owner shall provide written notice to the Borough of its intent to discontinue use and the date when the use shall be discontinued. Unused or abandoned WCFs or portions of WCFs shall be removed as follows:
(a) All unused or abandoned tower-based WCFs and accessory facilities shall be removed within six months of the cessation of operations at the site, unless a time extension is approved by the Borough.

(b) If the WCF and/or accessory facility is not removed within six months of the cessation of operations at a site, or within any longer period approved by the Borough, the WCF and accessory facilities and equipment may be removed by the Borough and the cost of removal assessed against the owner of the WCF.

(c) Any unused portions of tower-based WCFs, including antennas, shall be removed within six months of the time of cessation of operations. The Borough must approve all replacements of portions of a tower-based WCF previously removed.

Permit Fees. The Borough may assess appropriate and reasonable permit fees directly related to the Borough's actual costs in reviewing and processing the application for approval of a tower-based WCF, as well as related inspection, monitoring and related costs in accordance with the Borough's Schedule of Fees.
The tower-based wireless communications facility use shall not be permitted unless the applicant for special exception establishes by clear and convincing evidence, after exercising due diligence, that a municipal designated wireless telecommunications facility (Use 49.1) was unavailable or unsuitable and could not reasonably be used to accommodate the provision of wireless services proposed by the applicant.

The tower-based wireless communications facility use shall not be permitted unless the applicant for special exception establishes by clear and convincing evidence that the applicant has fully complied with all applicable provisions of Part 6, § 613, of this chapter.

The applicant for special exception shall establish that all franchises or other approvals required by law for the operation of the proposed tower-based wireless communications facility have been obtained and shall file a copy of same, at the time of application, with the Zoning Officer.

See § 27-40649.2 for complete, detailed information on tower-based facilities.