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MapLink™ | Procedures | Special Exception

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Special Exception
1. Where this Chapter has provided for stated special exceptions to be granted or denied by the Zoning Hearing Board, pursuant to expressed standards and criteria, the Zoning Hearing Board shall hear and decide requests for such special exceptions in accordance with such standards and criteria.

2. Upon review of any application for a special exception, the Zoning Hearing Board shall consider and determine, among other things:
A. That the proposed change is consistent with the spirit, purpose and intent of the Zoning Chapter.
B. That the proposed special exception will not substantially injure or detract from the use of the neighboring property, or from the character of the neighborhood.
C. That all commercial and industrial parking, loading, access, or service areas shall be adequately illuminated at night while in use, and that such lighting, including sign lighting, shall be arranged so as to protect the highway and neighboring properties from direct glare or hazardous interference of any kind.

3. In granting special exceptions, the Board may attach such reasonable conditions and safeguards, in addition to those expressed in the ordinance, as it deems necessary to implement the purposes of this Chapter.

4. In all applications for special exceptions, the applicant shall have the burden of proving that his application falls within the provisions of the Zoning Chapter and that granting his application will not be contrary to the public interest.

5. The applicant shall have six months after the time that the special exception is granted in which to obtain a building permit for any structure for which the special exception was required.
A use listed in § 406: Table of Use Regulations is permitted as a special exception in any district under which it is denoted by the letter "S", provided the Zoning Hearing Board, pursuant to express standards and criteria set forth in § 406: Table of Use Regulations and other applicable sections of this Chapter, and to any other reasonable conditions the Board may establish, authorizes the issuance of a zoning permit in accordance with § 1107: Notification of Hearings and Part 10 of this Chapter.