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MapLink™ | Procedures | Fence Permits

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Fence Permits
Permit Required.
A. All fences shall require a permit prior to the installation or erection, except as exempted elsewhere in this Chapter, and it shall be unlawful for any person to erect, alter or locate a fence within the Borough without first having made an application for and having been issued a permit therefor. A permit is required for fence replacement or any repair of existing fences exceeding 50% or more of the value of the existing fence.

B. The application for a fence permit shall be made to the Borough Zoning Officer and shall include a site plan to scale in duplicate showing:
(1) All structures on the site.
(2) All easements, rights-of-way and dedications.
(3) The proposed location, length and height of the fence.
(4) A description of the materials contained in the fence.
(5) Location of traffic sight triangles at corners if applicable.
(6) Location of fire hydrants, if applicable.

See § 614: Fences for complete, detailed infromation about fences.

See Apply For A Permit for permitting information.
See also Commercial Permits for more information.